Read about the 5 influential movies and books that impacted writer Burt Weissbourd.

” 1. THE INSTANT ENEMY by Ross Macdonald

When I first decided to become a film producer in 1974, I called Ken Millar (Ross Macdonald) and asked him if he’d write a screenplay for me based on one of his books. He’d never worked on a film before. We chose The Instant Enemy, and Ken wrote a long treatment. We hired another screenwriter to write a screenplay, then Ken came back to the project and wrote a screenplay of his own. I worked closely with this “grand master” between 1975 – 1979. We met often and discussed all aspects of the project as well as other films of the time such as CHINATOWN. It was an extraordinary experience for me, and a lot of what I know about character-driven thrillers and writing psychologically complex characters I learned from Ken…”

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